
Barcode Scanner: Everything you Need to Consider Before Purchasing it

Many people need to become more familiar with barcode scanners, and it’s time you get to understand what a barcode scanner is. A barcode scanner is a device that enables you to read the lines printed on barcodes. Note that the above is about something other than it since the mechanism behind it runs more profoundly, as you can expect. Several scanners are offered in the current market, like the class 1 div barcode scanner, which are intrinsically safe implementations connected via Bluetooth to rugged tablet computers. These barcode scanners capture the image of the barcode and decode the data. However, when selecting a barcode scanner, there are various factors you need to consider, which the following article highlights fully.

Scanning Range

Before buying a particular long-range scanner, it is essential to consider the expected scanning ranges of all hardware you intend to put in use. Note that a scanner is expected to scan barcodes at various distances when it’s time to operate. Various scanners are designed with an optimal scanning range. Ensure you confirm if any of your expected scans would occur outside the range. For instance, those long-range scanners can scan barcodes at a shorter range; their performance may not be as good as those of short ranges.

Barcode Types

After you know the application the scanner will be used with, the following essential question should be what type of barcode scanner is needed? Determine whether you want to use the scanner while holding it while scanning or prefer using it hand-free. For those working in extreme temperatures, you are required to pay attention to the scanner operating temperature. Handheld corded scanners are reliable and great for most internal logistics. However, cordless models are more convenient and ideal for most warehouse operations.

The Connectivity

Many ask whether users must move freely or stand in one position when scanning barcodes. Note that a barcode scanner needs to be connected to a device like a laptop or a tablet, either corded or cordless. Those corded scanners are physically connected to the device via a cable. Instead, you must plug the scanner into your device and scan barcodes. Those scanning items in a retail setting can use a scanner wired directly to the laptop where their database is set up. Technology has advanced, leading to wireless barcode scanners connected to other devices via Bluetooth, making it easier for users.


Note that this is one of the critical factors when narrowing down the barcode scanners to be used in various places. You need to figure out first whether the barcode scanner you plan to purchase will be used indoors or outside. The reason behind that is that some barcode scanners work just as well in natural sunlight as in dim lighting. However, if you work with faded or damaged barcodes, you require a higher-performing scanner that captures imperfect barcodes well. Ensure you check the environment and the application for the scanner to determine the type of scanner you need to buy.

Final Thoughts

Note that barcode scanners come in all sizes, types, and shapes. And the options in the market may seem overwhelming, and the specifications can be very complex. However, it is good to take your time to carefully evaluate what type of barcode scanner your business fully requires. Have the best thoughts, choose the suitable barcode scanner for your business, and invest peacefully.

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